Home-made Dates Syrup - A Natural Replacement for Sugar

Home-made Dates Syrup - A Natural Replacement for Sugar

Sep 20, 2017Shopify API

Dates are very rich in iron and are considered powerhouses of energy. It is a known fact that babies are not allowed salt and sugar for the first 1 year. So we using Dates Syrup as a natural alternative to sugar which is completely safe to be given to babies 7+ months.

Dates syrup can sweeten up a bowl of porridge or you can mix a teaspoon of it to sweeten up any of your little one's food like pancake batter, idlis, halwa, cookie or cake dough etc. 

Check out the 2 min video below to see the procedure to make it at home. Please subscribe to get regular updates on innovative recipes for your kids. 

See the detailed recipe & notes below if you are a mom who loves to read :-)

If you want an easier replacement for sugar, check our 100% pure dry dates powder. This is made with dried black dates, powdered fine enough for your little one to enjoy their meal.

 Preparation Time: 10 mins

Total Cooking Time: 20 mins

Serving portion - 60-70 ml Syrup


  • Dates (seedless) - 1 cup/200g
  • Water (boiling) - 1 cup/200 ml + extra


1. Wash the dates and de-seed if required.
2. Put the dates in a bowl and add boiling water to it.
3. Cover it with a lid and let it soak for 2 hours.
4. After the dates have been soaked, mash the dates well.
5. Pour in the mashed dates through a sieve or a muslin cloth.
6. Squeeze well.
7. Put the squeezed pulp left over back in the bowl and add a little more water to it as required.
8. Mash it again and squeeze out the pulp again through the sieve.
9. Put the extracted juice in a sauce-pan.
10. Boil it on medium-high heat for 10 mins till it thickens. Stir well so that the syrup does not blacken.
11. Set it aside to cool.
12. Pour it into a jar and refrigerate.

Shelf Life: 1 Week. Please make small batches and consume before 1 week. Store in the refrigerator always.

Important Note: Don't throw away the pulp :-) Please reuse it into a simple atta or wheat dough to make sweet chappati and feed it with a little ghee to your little one.


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