Dry Fruits & Seeds Powder for Kids
A freshly prepared mixture of 7 dry fruits & seeds, is finely grounded to make a fine powder. Best for super active kids who need nutrient dense foods
More on the Product

The ingredients all add up to 100%, and there is nothing to hide. No secrets. No Junk. Because a mom deserves to know :-)

* Is Highly Processed
* Is manufactured several months ago
* Contains Maltodextrin, starches
Early Foods Dry Fruit & Seeds Powder are
* Minimally processed
* Made into a powder after washing & roasting the nuts & Seeds
* Freshly made everyday in small batches
* Made from traditional ingredients from an Indian kitchen, zero additives
* No Milk Powder, Salt, Sugar or Maltodextrin

Good fats not only help in weight gain, but also are greatly beneficial for the brain and nervous system development

* Sprinkle it on porridges & cereals
* Add a spoon to your chapati dough
* Add them to your milk shakes, kheer, halwa etc

Shelf life is 4 months from the date of manufacturing. Consume before 2 month from opening the pack.