Rasam for Runny Nose

An amazing food adventure story for kids that teach & excite them about our delicious & good old Rasam.

Regular price USD 7.60
(USD 0.03/per g)
Sale price USD 15.99 Regular price you save USD 8.39

More on the Product

Who is it for?

Children from the age of 1 year to 5 Years, to get them introduced to food & also make them excited about our traditional Indian homecooked foods through these food story books for kids.

What are the ingredients?

10-12 Pages Children's Book

How is Early Foods different?

This India's first Food Adventure Stories with the vision of making kids absolutely excited about Indian foods cooked at home. Why should Noodles, Pasta, Sandwiches take away all the joy & excitement from our Indian recipes :-) Dont you agree too?

What are its Nutritional Benefits?

* Helps Reverse Picky Eating in children & supports you to get them excited about homecooked Indian Foods.
* Introduces them to our yummy Indian Recipes through these baby food story books.
* These books for kids and babies helps them engage in cooking chores with love & excitement

How to use?

Read these bedtime stories for kids aloud with them during your story times. Use the beautiful pictures of food to teach them about ingredients & the process of cooking in the kitchen.

Storage & Shelf Life

Forever in your homes & hearts :-)

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